
The Alaska Prenatal Alcohol Partnership advocates for diagnosis and early intervention, training and education, individualized interventions and prevention, supports and services across the lifespan, for people impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure, their families, caregivers, neighbors, and service professionals.



Legislative Priorities

The Alaska Prenatal Alcohol Partnership is tracking bills and budget items in the 2025 Legislative session–including intensive at-risk early intervention services, infant learning program, crisis stabilization services, occupational therapy in youth facilities, complex care program and small group home placements, trauma-engaged schools, Alaska Area Health Education Centers, and more.

Read more here.


     for Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
February 9-12, 2025 in Juneau, Alaska

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This four-day advocacy fly-in event offers an opportunity to get together with other advocates, learn advocacy skills, learn about current issues before policymakers, and meet in person with policymakers to tell your personal stories and make your “ask.” There is no cost to attend the fly-in, but registration is required. Unfortunately, there are no scholarship funds available. Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodations, meals, and personal expenses. Other details will be announced upon registration.


Arrive Sunday, February 9 (6-8pm). Group dinner for introductions and orientation. Location TBA.

Advocacy Training. Monday, February 10 (9-4pm). Practice telling your personal story and making your “ask” in under three minutes. Learn tips for meetings with policymakers, speaking at public testimony, sending emails, and more. This training is for individuals, families, caregivers, professionals, and anyone impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure/fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (PAE/FASD).

Meetings with Policymakers. Tuesday & Wednesday, February 11-12 (8am-5pm). Meet in person with legislators at their offices inside the State Capitol to educate them about your personal experiences, challenges, successes, and recommendations for solutions. Appointments are coordinated by the fly-in organizers.

OPTIONAL: Addressing Complex Behaviors Training. Friday & Saturday, February 14-15 (9am-4pm). This two-day training links brain function with everyday behaviors and introduces an approach to developing appropriate and effective person-specific strategies in all setting. This training is for parents/caregivers, teachers, nurses, physicians, attorneys, mental health and addictions professionals, psychologists, social workers, corrections professionals, employers, people with a brain-based disability, and more.


  • All costs for transportation, meals, and lodging are on your own.

  • There is no cost to participate in the fly-in, but participants must register in advance.

  • Meetings with policymakers will be arranged for participants based on recommendations and preferences.

  • Participants agree to work in solidarity with the Alaska Prenatal Alcohol Partnership’s mission and talking points.





Fact Sheet: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure/Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (PAE/FASD) in Alaska​

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE) is exposure to alcohol before birth. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) are a range of diagnoses that can result from prenatal alcohol exposure, including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Static Encephalopathy Alcohol- Exposed (SE/AE), Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND), and others. TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE

Booklet: 9 Core Messages: What Everyone Should Know About Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

This booklet offers an overview of 9 core messages related to prenatal alcohol exposure, including Defintions, FASD as a Brain-Based Disability, Physical Impacts, Common Characteristics Across the Spectrum (Strengths and Challenges), Importance of Diagnosis and Early Intervention, Prevalence, Strategies for Success, Prevention, and Advocacy. The publication also offers a host of Alaskan and national resources. TO VIEW OR DOWNLOAD THE BOOKLET, CLICK HERE

FY25 Alaska State Budget: Impacting Alaskans with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure/Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders​

The Alaska Prenatal Alcohol Partnership supports Alaskans impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (PAE/FASD). We are self-advocates, caregivers, family members, and community service providers. The following budget items in the Governor’s proposed FY25 state budget are highlighted for their impacts to these Alaskans. TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE

Support for HB 58/SB 57, establishing adult care home license for individuals with special needs who age out of the foster care, treatment, or disability care system ​

Access to home and community-based services allows people with disabilities to live regular lives in their communities, utilizing in-home and community supports, such as adult day services, day habilitation, respite, supported employment, transportation, environmental modifications, meals, specialized medical equipment, nursing oversight, intensive active treatment, private duty nursing, and more—all of which are less expensive than institutional care. The final menu of services available to people in adult care homes will be determined through regulation. TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE